Thursday, 4 April 2013

It Has Begun

Well I went for my ultrasound and blood work on Friday to make sure everything was in working order. Turns out it was!!! I started 225ui of Menopur on Friday night. I wasn't too sure how I would feel about giving myself a needle and mixing up the meds but it turns out its not that bad.

The first couple days I actually didn't feel much going on with my body but by day 4 I was feeling a little bloated. Day 5 I had my next ultrasound where they measured my lining and my eggs. My lining was 6mm which is small but as it was only day 5 I wasn't too concerned. On the up side I had 15 follies!!! 10 on my right and 5 on the left, measuring from 7mm-14mm. Yeah!!! So because one follie was 14mm (close to ovulation) I was prescribed Orgalutran - which is an antagonist and stops me from ovulating.

After my ultrasound I met with the embryologist who just explained to me a little about the fertilization and implantation process. He explained to me that because I'm in the lowest age category that I'm a perfect candidate for only a 1 egg transfer. BUT I know I will do two, if I am lucky enough to have two good embryos. My DH are more than okay with the idea of twins - not to get too greedy but we would love to have twins. (I'm probably going to kick myself in the ass for saying that! Lol)

I went home that evening and gave myself both needles....ugh. The Orgalutran hurt going in and left a small rash and I felt really crappy all night. My stomach was bloated, my pubic area was swollen and I had a feeling of pure discomfort.....but oh well, I will do whatever it takes. As I'm sure being pregnant (especially with twins;)) is going to be no cake walk.

It's now Thursday and I'm just at the clinic waiting for my day 7 bloodwork and ultrasound. Wish me luck!

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